Summer is almost over and school has begun! Fall can be the worst season for outdoor allergies, cold and flu season is on the horizon..
Seasonal allergic rhinitis (hay fever) affect many children, especially this time of year. If your children experience allergies, they may experience sneezing, stuffiness, a runny nose and itchiness in the nose, the roof of the mouth, throat, eyes or ears. These allergic reactions are most commonly caused by pollen and mold spores in the air, which start a chain reaction in the immune system.
If your child's allergy symptoms interfere with daily life (energy level, attention, etc.), speak to your child's pediatrician. Kids' allergies can often be treated with a basic antihistamine or decongestant but more severe allergies may require regular allergy shots during the peak seasons. Speak to our pediatricians before administering any medicine to your child.


Believe it or not, summer's almost over, and that means it's time again for back-to-school physicals. While these checkups might seem simple but necessary routine, they also provide a wonderful opportunity to collaborate with your doctor on how to create the healthiest habits for your child to grow into.

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Now that the kids are out of school and likely to spend much of their days outdoors, it's a good time to talk about injuries that might lead to tetanus exposure.

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Summer is upon us, and that means it's time for lots of fun in the water! But it's also time for observing proper safety. According to the CDC, every day, about 10 people die from unintentional drowning, two of those being children aged 14 or younger. By following the 5 easy tips below, you can help your family enjoy the water while staying safe!

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  • First off, make sure that you're not mistaking a cold for allergies. In early springtime especially, it can be difficult for even a doctor to distinguish the cause of a runny nose, as winter viruses may still be going around.  The lone giveaway symptom of allergies, however, is itchiness of the eye, nose, and/or roof of mouth.

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