Do you have a child that is a picky eater? Well, welcome to normal! As a parent, it is natural for us to be concerned about what our children eat and as they grow, and that sometimes becomes a bit more of a struggle as they start to make their own choices. This link to my latest video BLOG, click here, will give you some tips on working with those picky eaters. Some of the advice includes:

What is ADHD?
ADD or ADHD is a chronic disorder where there is an imbalance within the nervous system. This can interfere with a child’s development, functioning and relationships. It can occur in children or adults. It can be disruptive but is a manageable condition. There is nothing “ wrong” with your child. There is nothing that you did to cause ADHD in your child. Their brain just works differently. Individuals can struggle with the following:
Does your toddler get into everything? Do you feel like you can barely look away and your child is trying to do something dangerous? Truth is, toddlers are curious and love to explore which is very normal for their age. I encourage fostering of this curiosity with the caveat that taking safety precautions along the way is a must. Drowning is the most common cause of death from injury for children ages 1-4. Falls are the most common cause of nonfatal injuries for children 1-19 yo. So what can you do to keep your littles safe during this challenging and fun stage of development? Note: some of these apply to infants as well.
I cannot tell a lie. In my early years as a parent, I, too, was guilty of pridefully, boasting about how my first born child ate and loved avocado. I took at least fifteen photos of her eating it; the ripe green color on her cheeks contrasting with her reddish-toned hair. I sent the photos to my mother, my sister, my mother-in-law and then to my mother again. Then I did what any proud, first time mother does.
Dr. Strombaugh is back in this video talking about positive discipline techniques