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North Carolina children, teens and young adults head into school classrooms in August and it’s a new schedule for everyone. While the starting and ending time might remain the same, all the other details about your child’s day are different - commuting patterns and traffic flow, teachers and classrooms, lunch schedule, and after-school activities. Additionally, with new subject matter, expectations on assignments, projects and tests are unknown.

Here are a few ways to support your child in this new year’s transition back into school:

Mental Preparation 

  • Create a plan of expectations based off the previous school year and discuss these as a family.
    o Where were the successes?
    o How will achievements be recognized?
    o Where were the challenges?
    o How will disappointments be remedied?
  • Talk with your child about opportunities and challenges that arise, and how to react in these situations.
  • What subjects are likely needing more attention to master? What are the resources to use to gain better understanding?

Establish a Daily Routine

Before the first day of school start a “school routine” that includes when to wake up, perform personal care, eat breakfast and lunch, and bedtime. Explain why a routine is healthy and will help them stay on track.

Review transportation routes with your child if you are not driving your child to school, and what to do in an emergency if one happens.

When school day ends, what activities will keep your child safe and engaged? Plan out with them what they will be doing. From homework to sports, participating in a supervised care program or staying at a friend’s house, set expectations for their actions and behavior.

Provide Supplies

Walking into school with organizational tools such as notebooks and writing instruments will help your child stay on top of assignments and deadlines. This year will your child need items that weren’t needed last year?

Setting Up for Success

Every parent desires a smooth academic experience and by following a plan of action, you can assist your child in doing well in and out of school this year. As life events occur, prepare for exceptions to daily routines and how to get back on track if something goes awry. Communication is the key to maintaining balance throughout the frenetic pace of an academic year.

For more information to prepare your child in returning to school, check out the links below:


Henderson County Schools
Transylvania County Schools
Buncombe County Schools
Polk County Schools

Additional Sources

Back To School Routine Tips To Help You and Your Kids
Back to Shool Parenting Tips