Raising kids can be one of the most difficult jobs you’ll ever do. If you feel like you’re getting nowhere with discipline, wonder why your child “acts out,” and wish you had a stronger connection with her or him, you’re not alone — we’ve all been there!

Smart Start and The Family Place of Transylvania County are here to help! Beginning Tuesday, February 9, they’re offering a Circle of Security Parenting Program (COSP). During the program, you’ll discover ways to build a stronger relationship with your child, help him or her grow in confidence, and help you be a stronger, wiser, and kinder parent, so both you and your child can experience long-term success in your relationship.

COSP will meet on Tuesdays, 12:30pm – 2pm, from February 9 until March 30. The location will be determined based on the number of attendees. The program is FREE, and child care is provided, so contact Nikki Parker or Sheila Mooney at 828-883- 4857 to sign up! Nikki and Sheila are happy to answer any questions you have, and you can also learn more information about COSP in this YouTube video.  

You’re not alone in the parenting journey! Check out COSP to develop effective parenting skills in a caring, supportive environment.


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