As a parent, one of the most important jobs you have is knowing how to discipline your child and teach them what behavior is and is not appropriate. This is one of the toughest parts about being a parent, and as much as you don’t want to get upset with your child, there are going to be times where you will be. There are many different approaches to disciplining your child in a healthy way that includes positive re-enforcement, emotional control, and keeping your children safe when they misbehave.

Today we’re going to talk about how to discipline your child in a healthy way that promotes understanding, modeling appropriate behaviors, as well as setting limits and consequences and being consistent in your approach.

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Separation anxiety in children is a common occurrence, as most children don’t like to be away from their parents for too long at a time. It tends to get better as children get older, when they begin to understand that you’re coming back and you can explain to them where you are going or what you need to do. Separation anxiety varies wildly from child to child, and is based on home life, personality traits, lifestyle factors, age, and more.

Separation anxiety tends to affect children from infancy to their pre-school years. Changes in routine, meeting new people, and going to a new school or making the adjustment from daycare to pre-school can all trigger some form of separation anxiety in children.

Separation anxiety can go both ways from child to parent, as parents, especially new parents or breastfeeding parents, often feel concerned or worried about leaving their children in someone else’s care or needing to attend to something their kids simply can’t join them for. It’s completely normal, and typically short lived, but there are ways that you can help build resilience and confidence in your child and prepare them for some time away as it is needed.

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As much as we may not want to think about it, there will come a time where your child will inevitable be showing romantic interest in a classmate. We all have our own "first crush" stories, as well as dating horror stories and the like. Relationships are a natural part of life, and there isn't much we can do as parents to completely avoid it with our children. As children grow up and realize their place in the world and start taking notice of how they interact with others, they may start to develop romantic feelings for others. Navigating this young "love" and the heartbreaks that may come with it can be tough for parents, as they see how much their children are trying to grow up. 

For children and teens to have healthy relationships with each other, it's important to teach them to respect others and to look out for warning signs that they may have a dysfunctional relationship. Bulding a solid foundation of friendship is always a good idea, as healthy friendships can lay the groundwork for good relationships in the future. As a parent, it is your job to teach your children how to behave with others, and discuss with them what is healthy or not healthy. 

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There’s a lot about Halloween that makes it one of the most fun holidays. Between dressing up however you like, and grabbing treats around town, there’s not a whole lot we have to complain about it!

For Halloween to be a fun and safe experience though, it’s important to keep in mind some safety rules so that everyone can enjoy this magical holiday the way it was intended!

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Sports are a great way for kids to build self-confidence, teamwork and social skills, both of which are crucial as adults. They help to facilate proper communication, provide great exercise, and keep them mentally and physically stimulated while giving you a much needed break as well!

When helping your child choose a sport, it's important to consider their mental and physical strengths and weaknesses and interests to determine which spor tis best for them. Some things to consider when helping your child choose a sport are below:

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